My Flight

This article is about my flight, which involved a few little hiccups.... 

Finally the Adventure Begins...

On Saturday 28 August 2021, the journey finally began. In the morning, I drove to the airport with my family and my French exchange student, who was in Berlin at this time. There it took a little longer to check in, which is why unfortunately there wasn't much time left for a hug in the end. Some complications also occurred at the security check. I had my clarinet in my hand luggage and as well a clarinet stand. And, well, if you don't know that it's a clarinet stand, you might think it's a dangerous object. Of course, the men at the security check didn't know what a clarinet stand was. I first had to completely clear out my hand luggage, then they checked it twice. It took about 20 minutes to explain them that the object was completely harmless. Then I really had to hurry, but luckily I caught the plane. 

Transfer in Amsterdam

I had to transfer in Amsterdam and met a really nice girl who also flew to Cork for a year abroad. I found it very pleasant to share my thoughts with her and she calmed me down a bit. Eventually we swapped numbers and who knows, maybe we'll see each other again on the return flight. 

The Missing Suitcase

When I arrived in Cork, I was happy to be finally on Irish soil and super excited to see what my host family would be like. But suddenly, while I was waiting for the suitcase, my mobile phone vibrated. I received a text message saying that my suitcase was still in Amsterdam. Then I went outside and immediately saw the agency’s woman and told her about it. Luckily, she was really lovely and helped me find an information desk where I could give them my address so that they could deliver the suitcase to me the next morning. 

Finally At My New Home

My host family was waiting for me outside to take me home from the airport. After all the excitement, I was really happy to have finally found my host family. The children were so adorable and started talking to me straight away. I was eager to see what the house looked like, but first we took another German exchange student to her new home. We stayed there for a while as the children played together and I had a little chat with the other exchange student. Eventually we went home and I met my Italian host sister and my host father. 

I hope you enjoyed my article, feel free to leave a comment or write to me privately via the contact form.

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Karl-Ludwig (Monday, 20 September 2021 17:48)

    Dear Linda,
    Glad to see that everything went well. Enjoy your stay and looking forward to more reports :-)
    Take Care

  • #2

    Linda (Saturday, 02 October 2021 15:05)

    Hello Karl-Ludwig, thanks for your comment :)